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August 2011 Newsletter


    Steeples, Cupolas and Bell Towers

What defines a religious structure better than its steeple, cupola or bell tower?  These architectural elements often grace religious buildings and highlight them as community landmarks.  While their lofty location may draw our attention up to the heavens, it can also limit our ability to conveniently and safely inspect, maintain and care for them.  However, to defer care and maintenance as a result of their challenging location is not the best approach.  Broad visual inspections from ground-level are limited in scope.  It is recommended that you contact a professional, like a steeplejack or roofing specialist, to perform regular inspections and maintenance needs as noted below. 

  • Inspect for decay, rot and other wear and tear maintenance issues.
  • Caulk and seal visible cracks.
  • Inspect and secure anchor bolts.
  • Look for proper roofing techniques along the base of the structure.
  • Inspect and update the lightning protection system.
  • Research and consider an upgrade to meet current building codes.
  • Look for signs of an animal or insect infestation.
  • Clean, paint or stain to improve the visual appearance.
Again, the tasks above should not be handled by church employees, volunteers or members.  A call to a professional is a simple solution in the preservation of these great religious architectural treasures.

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