Youth Trips
An active youth program is an important aspect of any congregation. It is a great way to reach out and encourage kids to build a strong spiritual foundation for the future. We encourage creativity and inspired ways to entice and lead young members all the while keeping safety in mind.
Each year we get a number of incident reports involving a youth outing. Many events may seem fun and harmless on paper and even during the planning stages of a trip. However, overlooking the need to limit liability exposures is more common than we would prefer. So, please consider these ideas when planning your youth trips and outings.
- List all possible trip destinations.
- List all possible trip activities.
- Contact your insurance provider to discuss all of the above.
- Remove all options not approved or recommended by your insurance provider.
- Follow all insurance guidelines for waivers, chaperones, student/teacher ratio, background checks and auto/travel regulations for drivers and vehicles.
It is our intent to provide as many safeguards as possible to insure a safe and fun event. Please contact your insurance provider before embarking on any youth trip or outing.