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November 2015 Newsletter


    Slip & Fall Incidents

It’s not uncommon to see a liability claim due to a slip and fall injury.  Occasionally these claims are truly innocent accidents which require normal adjusting and handling.  However, slip and fall injuries can also be caused by a situation not properly tended to by an insured.  These can pose greater issues and consequences, but may be easily remedied.  Please consider a few quick areas of improvement to help protect against hazards and liability claims.

  • Guests and visitors are unfamiliar with your premises.  Please highlight all unique walking obstacles for their safety.  For example: A few extra steps leading from the sanctuary to the lobby may not be expected and may be enough for someone unfamiliar with your premises to stumble and fall. 
  • Repair and replace all uneven walking surfaces.  A small lift in the concrete may be enough to catch a toe, lose balance and tumble to the ground. 
  • Correct all unsafe flooring.  A loose rug or carpet, worn stair tread, bad lighting, unsecured hand rails or debris are all hazards.  Theses may lead to a fall due to walking on an unsafe surface.
  • Wet surfaces are a clear danger zone.  When cleaning, mark all wet areas with caution signs.  If it is raining or snowing, wet shoes will track in moisture.  Keep walkways dry and use caution signs to draw attention to the change in conditions.
  • Parishioners who are rushing, carrying too many items or balancing unusually shaped items may have obstructed views and are liable to trip and fall.  Encourage help to manage calm, clear and controlled movement throughout your premises. 
  • Finally, have a plan in place to care for the injured party. Know how to properly tend to an ailing and injured party.  Have an injury report form ready to complete and contact your insurance agent immediately to notify them of the incident.




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